7 Days
  • 2-3 stars hotels (in some places best available)
  • Islamabad
  • Islamabad
  • Guided
  • English
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner (normally included)
  • Yes
  • Transportation: Car or Van/ grand Cabin 13 seats or Coaster/minibus, 21seats (4 x4 landcrouisers or 4x 4 classical jeeps)
  • 18
  • 75


Ski is a new sport in Pakistan, which is not very common but now getting popular in the mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. NORTH PAKISTAN ADVENTURE organizes ski trips for cross-country skiers from the top of the mountains and on the longest glaciers,
Snow Lake down to Biafo Glacier and on Baltoro Glaciers and the highest plateau, Deoasi, in Shimshal Valley, in Fairy Meadow, around Nanga Parbat, Astore Valley, etc. There are two ski resorts, the Pakistan Air Force ski resort in Naltar–Gilgit and Malam
Jabba – Swat Ski Resort. The Government of Pakistan is also trying to promote ski activities in the winter because we do not have any winter sports yet. There are many possibilities to ski in various regions of Northern Areas but there are no lefts and pilots may have to climb up or trek up then you may ski. There is mountain wildness in these areas.

Naltar is located in the Northern Areas of Gilgit in the Karakorum Range and is one of the oldest ski resorts in Pakistan at an altitude of 3100M with skis left. It is 40km from the main Gilgit town and the jeep-able road leads there through Normal Village, the metal road is now under construction (Naltar Highway), so for the moment road condition is not good better to have 4 x4 jeeps from Gilgit. The length of ski slopes is 400M and 600M. This ski station is under the PAF (Pakistan Air Force) and necessary to have permission from them. You may also ski around near the lake, if access is open by jeeps otherwise can trek. In winter the hotels are almost closed 1-2 small hotels are open but you may go camping around. This area is getting popular each year for winter sports. From Islamabad, the access is via Karakorum Highway (KKH) which normally opens during the winter, and also by air one-hour flight but all the flights to Gilgit are subjected to weather conditions. In winter the flights operate rarely due to weather conditions.

This area is located in Chilas in the Northern Areas of Pakistan close to the Nanga Parbat. There are no lefts, have to do a trek up and then ski down. This is connected with Karakorum Highway and from KKH jeep road leads to the Tato or Jehal 2700M then 3hrs trek to Fairy Meadow 3300M, next day trek 2-3 hrs. to Beyal Camp 3500, are huts here for overnight where you trek up and can do ski. It depends on the snowfall normally after mid-December to March.

Shimshal Valley is in the extreme north of Hunza Valley which is one of the remotest valleys of Hunza borders with China. There is a jeep road 53 km from KKH at Passu, through the narrow gorge along the Shimshal River. The main Shimshal village is at an elevation of 3100M in the Karakorum Range. To the north and northeast of Shimshal lies Chinese Turkistan, to the southeast Baltistan, to the south Nagar, and the west Gojal Hunza. The population of Shimshal is approximately 1400 Wakhi-speaking. This remotest village of Hunza became accessible by jeepable road in October 2003. The area is well known for its tradition and culture, can visit local traditional houses and mix up with the local population.

Deosai, a vast high-altitude plateau south and west of Skardu, is bordered with Indian Kashmir and its altitude is 4000M around. It is snow-covered most of the year and there are different slops here where you will go up by trekking or hiking then you may ski. It is snow season is after mid of mid-December to beginning of March.


  • Pakistan, with its rugged landscapes and towering mountains, offers some of the best ski touring opportunities in the world
  • The Karakoram and the Himalayas host numerous peaks that provide thrilling and adventurous experiences.
  • This 7-day itinerary focuses on ski touring in the scenic region of Gilgit-Baltistan, exploring areas such as the Shimshal Valley, Hushe Valley, and the famous Naltar Ski Resort.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

From $1500
/ Adult
  • 2-3 stars hotels (in some places best available)
  • Islamabad
  • Islamabad
  • Guided
  • English
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner (normally included)
  • Yes
  • Transportation: Car or Van/ grand Cabin 13 seats or Coaster/minibus, 21seats (4 x4 landcrouisers or 4x 4 classical jeeps)
  • 18
  • 75
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